Charnwood Cove One Wood Burning Multi Fuel Defra Approved Stove
The Charnwood Cove 1 Defra Approved stove is the smallest in the Cove family with simple clean lines and a single door, giving an excellent view of the fire. The Cove 1 Defra Approved Stove is suitable for burning wood in smoke control areas. With its fully controllable Quattroflow air management system it provides between 2 and 6kW of heat superb efficiency. With rated output of 4kW the Cove 1 can be fitted without the need for external ventilation. The Cove is available with: five different stand options Choice of eight colour finishes 10 Year Guarantee and is Designed and Built in England The Charnwood Cove 1 is available with a number of options including 8 colour choices and colour match fluepipes in 500mm and 1000mm sizes. Various stand options are available including the very contemporary centre stand which raises the height of the stove to 795mm.