Lite Plan HRN T5 4 14 24
The Lite-Plan HRN/T5/4/14+24 is a 3hr emergency lighting conversion lit. Specifically designed for use with 14w & 24w T5 fluorescent lamps.4-pole change over relay plus additional 5th pole for HF ballast isolation. This Lite-Plan conversion kit has the following benefits :- Specific T5 lamp calibration to maximise BLF%, 4 pole changeover relay, additional 5th pole relay, Deep discharge protection, Low profile enclosure, constant current charger and high temperature NiCd cells. The HRN/T5 range is supplied in conversion kit form. They are supplied as standard with the following parts :- 500mm green charge healthy LED indicator and mounting collar, 4 Cell kits are supplied with T1 NiCd and 6-Cell with T3 NiCd batteries and AMP irreversible battery connector.